In a world where product data is everywhere – and where the consumer is often as well-informed as the salesperson – high-quality, relevant and up-to-date product training can be the difference between making the sale and losing out to the competition. Mobile learning with Teach on Mars holds the keys to meeting the critical challenges of producing up-to-date learning resources in ultra-short lead times, distributing them quickly and simultaneously across geographies and business units and tracking completion and certification.

The retail sales network of a leading international telecoms operator Orange deployed Teach on Mars to convert its Point of Sale product and process training for the whole of France to an ultra-flexible, full-digital model. Faced with operational constraints and resource shortages in a highly competitive marketplace, the client wanted a solution that was agile and engaging enough to keep pace with the hectic release schedule of new mobile telephony product and service offerings and upskill new sales employees quickly in an environment of naturally high staff turnover. Previous attempts to deploy even partial digital learning solutions had failed due to the non-availability of web-based workstations in Points of Sale and the inability of time-short staff to set aside slots for learning activities.

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